The Pizza Party of Tritikona

5 thành viên
25 thg 11, 2024
0 Sự kiện đã diễn ra

The Pizza Party is determined to uphold the values, rights, and integrity of Tritikona and defend the interests of its citizens. Our major policy positions are as follows:

Parent-led education. We believe that parents are the best authority on how to teach their children. We intend to support school choice, transparency of the public schools, teaching of biblical and family values, and direct authority of parents over what goes in their child’s curriculum. We also hope to provide tax breaks to parents with homeschool children—if they aren’t using the public school system, they shouldn’t have to pay for it!

Fiscal responsibility. We believe in being good stewards of our citizens’ taxes and the other revenue we receive. We intend to perform our essential duties as efficiently as possible, and we don’t intend to operate on a large deficit, acquire debt without a plan for swift repayment, or spend where we don’t have to.

Small government. If we have surplus funds, we intend to save for the future, invest those funds in business endeavors, fund scientific, agricultural, and medical research, or donate to private charities—giving the people’s money back to the public, rather than expanding government bureaucracy.

Encourage private initiative. We believe that a healthy economy depends not on government but on the free enterprise of private citizens. We intend to avoid unnecessary regulations of private business. We intend for our public investment/donation policy to come with no strings attached, no mandates on how the money must be used, nothing which will restrict free enterprise. We intend to support the economy, not drive it—and we don’t want private initiatives dependent on us to keep working.

Protect Tritikonan industry. We believe that our economy depends on friendly relations and practical trade agreements with our neighbors. The nations around us depend on our agricultural exports, and we intend to pursue trade agreements and tariff rates which benefit our own industries without letting foreign industries flood our economy with mass importation.

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