If you wanna improve look no further!! Languages: English/Urdu Coaching Method: Depends on the level of play, period of engagement...
Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan....
Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
A bit about my chess “career”, I learned to play chess from my father when I was about 7 years old in a Second Cup in Edmonton. We...
Welcome to My Profile! paragonchessacademy.com Latest News: Checkout my new blog: https://www.chess.com/blog/Elite-Reports/the-reason-why-i-changed-my-username...
Ik heb schaken geleerd van mijn kat. Available for coaching/lessons in Dutch & English, feel free to send me a DM if interested...