platinumQueen Of Puzzle Duel

or new format: Puzzle Duel

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My name is Avery, I love cats, especially jaguars, and I like watching boring old movies and TV shows I’ve watched five times before. My ChessKid ratings are pretty good and I’m trying to improve my ratings.

Clubs I hold a Position in:

The Ultimate United States Chess Club 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

House Ravenclaw Common Room

Position: Coordinator

The Insane Chess Club -Just For Fun-

Position: Coordinator

Chess is Amazing

Position: Admin

Chess War Club

Position: Coordinator

Road to Titled Player

Position: Coordinator

Team Union 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

The Fur Cats Club 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

The ChessKid Players Club 

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

The ChessKid Puzzle Duelers

Position: Super Admin/Club Manager

Some of the only old Puzzle Duel photos are saved here.

My ChessKid ratings:

I’m very proud of this game against a 1630 rated player on ChessKid

We almost got a draw but I ended up winning.

A few things about me:

  1. I am the leader of The Ultimate United States Chess Club:
  2. I hold a position in other clubs but I'm too lazy to make a list.
  3. My ChessKid account is MSCMDSAveryW
  4. My Lichess account is AveryWang12345678908
  5. I like ChessKid Puzzle Duels
  6. My highest Puzzle Duel Streak is 76
  7. I have a total of 1800 Puzzle Duel wins so far
  8. I like Pokémon, jaguars, and chess
  9. I have a question for you: Why are you looking at my profile?

Anyway, enough about me.

I know a few things about you:

  1. You are looking at my profile
  2. You have played chess before
  3. You have gotten through five of my pictures ( the game doesn’t count )
  4. You just checked if there was a game
  5. You just checked that there were five pictures
  6. You realize all this is true
  7. All the things I just wrote start with the word you
  8. You just checked to make sure
  9. You realize I know quite a few things about you

Though congratulations, you made it this far already instead of dying from boredom the moment you started reading this, so I’ll let you see my Lichess stats:You’re very welcomehappy

Tho not very impressive

 His name is Orzo

Her name is Penne, Orzo and Penne are my two amazing cats, they are also siblings
9 Cool People I know on

A slow game I played pretty well on ChessKid:

I’m sorry if you don’t see your name on the list, I’m really lazy and I will make a full list later

  1. @FullCrowdedBadger
  2. @chesswhizz9
  3. My brother: MSCMDSAdrianW 
  4. @redloudcar
  5. @theeldest1
  6. @JMGuel2012
  7. @Admiral_ChessBeard
  8. @exceptionalfork
  9. @ThankfulBone