
Knight Endgames (Pt 2) - Both Sides Have Knights

Knight Endgames (Pt 2) - Both Sides Have Knights

Are you ready for more knight endings?

How should you handle positions when both sides have knights? These endgames feature some extremely important exact positions, as well as the typical strategical ideas behind some complex endgames that will help the student better understand the ideas behind knight endgames. GM Dejan Bojkov has selected positions that will challenge students from 1000 level all the way up to expert (2000). Start improving your knight endgames today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn tactical tricks common in knight endings!
  • Learn key promotion tactics!
  • Learn how to use zugzwang to win knight endings!


The most effective tactical method in knight endgames is the deflection. It is usually used to free the road of a passed pawn and to secure its promotion.
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Knight and a Pawn Versus a Knight

A knight and a pawn versus a knight is usually a draw, especially if the defender can block the pawn with their king.
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Perpetual Check

We saw that the pawn on the seventh(second) rank is extremely dangerous. Still, the defender might cope with it, if they use the perpetual check idea.
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Pawn Two Steps from Promotion

The defense against a lonely pawn which did not reach the seventh (second) rank is as a rule successful.
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Zugzwang Ideas

Although the defender can usually deal with a less-advanced pawn some exceptions are worth examining.
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Two Pawns versus One

Two pawns versus one on the same flank usually leads to a draw as the material is reduced.
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Team Work

Team work is the essential tool in every endgame, and in the game of chess as a rule.
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3 versus 2 on the Same Flank

Three versus two pawns on the same flank give good chances for the defender to hold the defense.
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3 versus 2 on the Same Flank (Pawns Are Separated)

Similar to the previous sample we have the same proportion of the pawns. However, a mere defect (the defensive pawns being separated) is enough to turn the evaluation in favour of the strong side.
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Passed Pawns

Passed pawns are a great weapon in knight endgames. They can engage the enemy pieces with their defense, paralyze them, and give sufficient time to our pieces to help.
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Knight Endgames (Pt 2) - Both Sides Have Knights

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46 изазова
Датум објављивања 11/12/2007