Золотой пользователь

Hullo everyone reading this! 
I am a 10 y/o Vietnamese chess player. Call me by Hoa, Mai Hoa, or Marie if everything is too hard for you. Studying so hard right now so I might not be online every day. No I do not have brain rot and I do not watch skibidi toilet. :l. Quick talk ‘bout my life: I am a intermediate in chess even though my rating defies me. I really really really want to go to UMS secondary school, so that explains the studying. If you suck at surviving life you are not alone. Yeah, me. I suck. Top of my class, I still suck. At social stuff. So I stick to chess. Three or four games a week. Helps me socialize more. I really want a title and stuff, but I’d doubt that I would get it in 2 or 3 years. Probably during my college years if fast and focused. I like lego and drawing too. Feel free to chat/challenge me anytime when I’m online.


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