
Learn The Four Knights Game

Learn The Four Knights Game

The Four Knights Game begins symmetrically, but that's often a prelude to a complicated middle game. Learn the key ideas for both sides.

  • Learn the main lines and key strategies.
  • Practice tactical motifs.
  • Find the moves in a spectacular attacking game.

Learn The Four Knights Game

Learn the key ideas and main lines for both sides in the Four Knights Game.
17 min
10 Desafios

Learn The Four Knights Game: Thematic Tactics

Solve thematic tactical puzzles in the Four Knights Game.
10 Desafios

Learn The Four Knights Game: Model Game

Find the moves for Black in an astounding Four Knights battle between Madhurima Shekhar and WFM Narenthran Savithri.
1 Desafio

Learn The Four Knights Game

3 Lições
17 Minutos
21 Desafios
Lançado em 9/7/2022