Znajdź Klub Szachowy

T. A. Admin
This is a select group of 🇦🇺 Team Australia 🇦🇺 members who are willing to help manage the greatest world league team! This club is for administrato...
Chess Vibes Tournaments
Official club of Chess Vibes on YouTube. Play in tournaments with Nelson here!
2 118
Chess.com - norsk
Dette er den offisielle klubben for norskspråklige sjakkspillere.
12 507
Chess.com Custom Pieces
This club is a dedicated space for users of the Chess.com Custom Pieces browser extension, where chess enthusiasts can share their custom designs w...
1 731
안녕하세요, 체스인사이드 클럽입니다 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chessinside 네이버 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/chessinside 인스타그램: @chessinside
1 364
Daily Puzzle Discussion Sans Trolls
Dedicated to the discussion of the Daily Puzzle without trolls like EZ Army "This puzzle is stupid" [read "I didn't understand it"] "I'm right an...
GothamChess Subscribers Club
Official club for fans of IM Levy Rozman, known online as GothamChess.  Levy's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GothamChess Levy'...
Famous Club Remix
Join the Champions League Chess Club! Are you passionate about chess? Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn or a seasoned player seekin...
República Portuguesa
Bem-vindo ao nosso clube de xadrez, onde estratégia se encontra com diversão em cada movimento! Seja você um mestre experiente ...
ISK Crvena Zvezda
.: PROFIL :. Ovaj internet šahovski klub je osnovan za navijače Crvene Zvezde koji su ujedno i ljubitelji šaha. .: PROFILE :. This internet chess c...
Chess.com - Magyar
Üdvözöl a Chess.com magyar csapata!A Chess.com - Magyar klub egy magyar nyelvű csoport az oldal magyar látogatóinak.  Barátkozz olyanokkal, akik os...
3 947
The Black Feather
Welcome to The Black Feather    Hello in the club some rules are mandatory.Prohibition to insult, talk religion or politics. All disp...
Latter-day Saint Chess Friends
Welcome to our Brothers, Sisters, and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For all of you living in areas of few church me...
HKUST students
Award Collectors
If you are trying to collect awards, you have come to the right place!  Here, we will help each other as a community to mine for achievements....
Genesys Chess Tournament 2024 - WOMENS
Genesys Chess Tournament 2024 || CHENNAI - WOMENS CATEGORY
The Incredichecksters
Dive into the realm of checking brilliance! This club is a young (created in mid-October this year), yet highly social club.    
각종 이벤트 클럽
각종 재밌는 이벤트를 주로 하는 클럽입니다. 이 클럽에서는 모든 분들께 담당자 권한을 드리며, 활동을 많이 하시거나 개인 이벤트를 개최하시면 관리자 권한을 드립니다.
Campionato Italiano a Squadre
Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul Campionato Italiano a Squadre.
Seafoam Chess Club
Hi, come join this very awesome chess club! Here you can mingle (possibly make new friends), challenge other members to a friendly match, etc. Ru...
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒆
Hey everyone this our new club "𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒆" . We would be happy if u join thr club here we have gun , talk about everything , play chess cl...