
Learn The Center Game And Danish Gambit

Learn The Center Game And Danish Gambit

How can White play for an immediate attack after 1.e4 e5?

The Center Game and Danish Gambit are rare at the top level, but both lead to sharp play with chances for both sides to play for a win. 

  • Learn the key ideas and main lines of each opening.
  • Practice thematic tactics.
  • Find the moves in a model game by Alexander Alekhine.

Learn The Center Game And Danish Gambit

Learn the key ideas and main lines of the Center Game and Danish Gambit.
18 minit
10 Cabaran

Learn The Center Game and Danish Gambit: Thematic Tactics

Practice typical tactics from the Center Game and Danish Gambit.
10 Cabaran

Learn The Center Game And Danish Gambit: Model Game

See if you can find the moves in a game played by world champion, Alexander Alekhine.
1 Cabaran

Learn The Center Game And Danish Gambit

3 Pelajaran
18 Minit
21 Cabaran
Dikeluarkan 9/14/2022