![happy happy.png](/bundles/web/images/icons/smileys/1x/happy.png)
NM = not master or noob master
CM = can't master, ( which grammatically doesn't make sense but oh whatever )
FM = fake master, ( yep that's me! )
IM = idiotic master!
GM = Garbage master!
WNM, WCM, WIM, WGMs are all the mentioned above but the w stands for weak, p.s. does WNM even exist???
LOL! 😂😂😂
NM = National Master
CM = Fide Candidate Master
FM = Fide Master
IM = International Master
GM = Grandmaster
'W' Just adds Woman to the title
Here are 10 thing you need to know:
1.I know you play chess.
2. You know I play chess
4. You did not realize that I skipped 3
5. I will friend anybody that sends me a friend request on chess.com
6. You are from Earth (I AM FROM MARS XD )
7. You are on chess.com
8. I am good at blitz
9. I play chess
10. Now you looked at my avatar, you don't need to look at it again.