ოქროს წევრი

You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and we (True Earthers) show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all we're offering is the truth.

The Truth fears no investigation.

The eyes can't see what the mind refuses to accept.

When investigating the Flat Earth theory please, leave your nagging rationalism, prejudices and preconceived notions at the door.

Prove the delusional globe and heliocentric model before trying to discredit the obvious flat and motionless observation. The burden of proof is on the globe believer. Flat Earth doesn't cling to ridiculous claims that have no legs to stand on. Space as we're told is fake AF, it's no different than believing in Narnia Land.

Using scientific method - EARTH is demonstrably FLAT. We can see way too far! All undisturbed large bodies of water lay flat and level.


The term "conspiracy theory" was invented by feds to demonize people that ask questions or have data and facts that make the libeler feel uncomfortable. 


Dis-info alert - We are NOT the Flat Earth Society. 

A beginners guild to flat Earth: 

Playlist -


Level (2021) Flat Earth Documentary - 


Why the LIE:


See my YouTube channel: ScubaDracula:


420 Chess Club
420 Chess Club 735 წევრი
Team Flat Earth
Team Flat Earth 41 წევრი
The Canadian Team
The Canadian Team 1 672 წევრი
Team Canada
Team Canada 12 733 წევრი