theblindtiger Go here to join the team, TheBlindTigers! We would be honered to have you as a member! Go Auburn!!! I would be happy to join your chess team! You have an 80% chance of having me as a member! If I know you, your percentage raises to 90%. So, invite away! (I am not available for tournaments right now, already in one) I love messages! Please feel free to send me a message or note! :)
The Blind Tiger All Admin Group
The Blind Tiger All Admin Group 48 թիմակիցներ
Chess Storm!
Chess Storm! 15 թիմակիցներ
TheBlindTigers 291 թիմակիցներ
TheBlindTiger ONLY
TheBlindTiger ONLY 1 թիմակից
NCAA Sport Fans
NCAA Sport Fans 15 թիմակիցներ