
Learn The Slav Defense

Learn The Slav Defense

Why is the Slav Defense one of the most solid openings on the top level?

The Slav is one of Black's safest and strongest defenses against the Queen's Gambit.

  • Learn the key ideas for both sides in the Slav Defense.
  • Practice common tactics in the opening.
  • Learn from a model game in the Slav Defense between two US Women's Champions.

Learn The Slav Defense

The Slav is one of Black's safest and strongest defenses against the Queen's Gambit. Learn the key ideas and tactics for both sides.
31 perc
10 kihívás

Learn The Slav Defense: Thematic Tactics

Practice important tactics in the Slav Defense.
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Learn The Slav Defense: Model Game

Check out a model game by Black in the Slav Defense. This is the game that secured the 2019 US Women's Championship for WGM Jennifer Yu.
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Learn The Slav Defense

3 lecke
31 perc
21 kihívás
Megjelenés dátuma: 8/2/2022