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Hey there! I'm Shane!

I'm a casual OTB and online player who loves all things chess!  Whether it's catching one of my favorite chess streamers on Twitch or ChessTV, sharpening my tactics with puzzles, analyzing my previous games, or shaking off my tilt by playing all the fun variants, if it's chess, I'm there, and I'll likely be doing it in every time control imaginable!

I am a big time believer in the idea that Chess is for everyone!  I'm thrilled to see the recent spike in interest in chess, the game I fell in love with ever since I played my first game with my dad at the age of eight.  I don't remember much from childhood, but I do remember that very first game ending in a no frills ladder mate loss.  It was the first loss of many, and one of my favorite parts of the game.  In chess, just as with life, nobody is perfect, and nobody is immune to losing.  Losses build character and provide the best insight into what your game is missing if you're willing to put in the necessary effort to learn from your mistakes.  

Want to play?  Send me a challenge!

Team USA Southeast
Team USA Southeast 3.902 član(ov)a
Team Israel
Team Israel 5.430 član(ov)a
Pawn Society
Pawn Society 992 član(ov)a
CHESSBRAHS 49.257 član(ov)a