डायमंड सदस्य

Join My Cuber Club!

  Hello everybody! I'm a cuber (which is someone who likes Rubik's cube), and I like chess too! I've created a chess club called Cuber Club, and now we are trying to reach 50 members!

If you are a cuber,  please join my club and we can become friends (This doesn't mean you must join the club to be my friend, it's not a problem if you don't join my club. But if you can, please join my club!)! But if you are not a Cuber, you are welcome to!

I'm also a homeschooled Christian who likes to read the Bible! Be my friend if you want some scripture from the Bible!


║99.9% of you won't post this.

ll When Jesus died on the cross, He was

║thinking of you. If you're one of the 0.1% that

║cares, put this on your profile.


Friend Me!

Goodbye! Have a good day!

X-ray Chess Club
X-ray Chess Club 29 सदस्य
Promote to King
Promote to King 2,310 सदस्य
Cuber Club
Cuber Club 111 सदस्य
Club Admins
Club Admins 6,810 सदस्य