
Learn The English Opening

Learn The English Opening

What do most top players play when they want to avoid the main lines of 1.e4 and 1.d4?

The English Opening, 1.c4 is a great opening to try to contest the center without entering the absolute mainstream openings. Learn about this important opening, often favored by Magnus Carlsen and many other Grandmasters.

  • Learn the main variations and key ideas in the English Opening.
  • Practice thematic tactics.
  • Find the moves in a model attacking game in the English Opening by NM Jeremy Kane.

Learn The English Opening

Learn the key ideas and main lines in the English Opening.
35 min
10 défis

Learn The English Opening: Thematic Tactics

Solve tactics in the English Opening.
10 défis

Learn The English Opening: Model Game

Find the moves in a sharp attacking game in the English Opening.
1 défi

Learn The English Opening

3 leçons
35 minutes
21 défis
Date de sortie : 9/30/2022