

I am a sixteen year old high school student from California.  I love mathematics, and of course, I am a huge fan of chess.  I enjoy open, tactical play, but I am attempting to become better acquainted with slow, positional positions.  I have adopted the Caro-Kann and the London System as a result, but I doubt I will ever truly like these openings.  My favorite openings are Evans Gambit, the Sicilian (Najdorf especially!), the Benoni Defense (and Benko Gambit), and the Budapest Defense/Gambit.  I have extensively studied the games of Mikhail Tal and Paul Morphy, my two chess heroes.  However, I do value endgame play over opening study, favoring general ideas over specific move patterns, and I am familiar with many advanced endgame techniques (thanks to Silman's Complete Endgame Course along with online material).

Currently, I am working on responses to the French, Pirc, and Caro Kann that favor white, and I am attempting to become more familiar with Grunfeld lines.

Challenge me to play any time!

Here is one of my games (granted, it may be outdated), with my favorite opening - Evans Gambit!

Thanks for reading!  For more material, go to my blog or join my team!

~ Flying2828 °·°