Leia maleklubi

Fair Play Board
A group dedicated to universal fair play on Chess.com
Team Israel
We represent Israel in the Chess.com World, European, and chess960 world Leagues. All Israeli players are welcome to join! Members can only play an...
5 439
四川超玥国际象棋俱乐部坐落于天府之国,芙蓉之都的锦绣成都。我们专注于4-18岁少儿国际象棋培训,以高端职业棋手为背景的明星教练团队。在世界冠军、国际特级大师王玥、李超的带领下,汇聚了全国众多的特级大师、国际大师,国家大师及国内一线知名棋手和从事国象启蒙教育、教学经验丰富的教练。 我们创办至今...
Tree lovers of chess
I understand when things are hard...😢😭💔 have you ever just sat by a tree feeling lonely? well, this is the club to join! You can make friends and...
Waltham Chess Club - USCF Rated
This is the chess.com site for Waltham Chess Club Members who are here to play USCF-Rated Chess.  Membership in this Club and participation in...
Avoy's VIP Club
Klub podtrzymujący tradycję corocznych turniejów świątecznych pod sztandarem szkół ŻAGLE oraz wawerskiej WSR. Organizujemy comiesięcz...
The Countries Chess Club
Hello and welcome to this fun society of happy people who dream of representing their own country. Here we appreciate and acknowledge the diverse c...
ChessSL ChessSL is a premier chess content platform in Sri Lanka with the motto of "Empowering Chess in Sri Lanka, Nurturing Talent, Spreading Jo...
The Club That Needs A Name Book Club
This is the book club for The Club That Needs A Name.
Philippine Club International
We intend to create a gaming environment for Filipino players here as well as those who live and work abroad, allies are also welcome to join. Our ...
Science Mom
This club is for Science Mom patrons. Check out  https://www.patreon.com/ScienceMom for weekly chess club meetings and more.
Hello! XXL chess is a variant found on the pawn with a hand. It is a super size board with new pieces. Try it out! (BTW if you have ideas, please m...
1 384
AE Chess Club
"¡Bienvenido a AE Chess Club ! Somos un club apasionado por el ajedrez, donde jugadores de todos los niveles pueden disfrutar de partidas des...
Team Galicia
Team Galicia representa a Galicia na World League, a European League e a World League de Xadrez 960.  Todo o mundo é benvido con vínculos con Gali...
1 358
The Atheists
All freethinkers are invited to join our group. Whether you consider yourself atheist, agnostic, secular humanist, non-theist, post-theist, natural...
2 787
Team Spain Live
Team Spain Live es el equipo oficial de España para competiciones en vivo en chess.com. Un equipo comprometido, competitivo, con ilusi&o...
Chess University - Kenya
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Kenya who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize an...
4 191
Turnamen Catur untuk Pemula... Sebagai ajang seru2an...
The Black Armada
hello comrade, if you have stumbled across this message, this means you’ve been one of the select few to have been honorably invited here, We...
Surprise Club for A person
Please join. This club is a surprise for someone.
Los Angeles Chess Club - LACC
Welcome to THE GOLDEN STATE Enjoy your stay, let's have fun, chat, chill, learn and play some chess! Would love active members that want to play t...
Perú CLUB Chess
Únase al equipo para participar en torneos oficiales y partidos amistosos, foros y discusiones sobre temas de ajedrez y no solo. Al mismo tiempo, e...
Team Greece
Το Ελληνικό γκρουπ στο chess.com. Μια ευκαιρία για ομαδικά τουρνουά, συσπείρωση, ιδέες, ενημέρωση. Στην καρτέλα "forum" θα βρείτε άρθρα σχετικά με ...
7 547
Knockout Team Match League (KTML) has been created with one sole and unique goal: To determine which Non-National group has the BEST match-fighting...