
Hello everyone, My name is Nghia, I'm 11 years old. I'm playing chess for more 4 years.

I'm a grade 6 student if you want to ask me more you can invive friend with me!!!

Pro Chess Gang
Pro Chess Gang ১৫৮ জন সদস্য
Hội VietnamChess
Hội VietnamChess ১৪ জন সদস্য
VietNamChessCLUB ২১ জন সদস্য
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Help and Support ৪,৮১৮ জন সদস্য
Thí Vua Lấy Tốt - TungJohn Playing Chess
Thí Vua Lấy Tốt - TungJohn Playing Chess ১৪,০৮৪ জন সদস্য