Намерете Шахматен Клуб

TJ Bohemians Praha
Club representing real chess club TJ Bohemians Praha - for more information visit our webpages (http://www.sachybohemians.cz) Patříme k největším...
1 123
On Her Majesty's Secret  Service - HMSS
Have you ever dreamed of being like James Bond? A secret agent, under cover, on exciting missions around the world? Ever seen a spy movie and thoug...
Spark Matsunaga E.S. Chess Club - C and O
C&O Family Chess Center Scholastic Club for students, former students, and familes.
Crna Gora
This is the group representing ''Montenegro'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Matc...
1 367
Official Vishy Anand Chess Club
This is the OFFICIAL fan club of GM Viswanathan Anand. Join the club to meet and connect with fans of Anand from all around the world. Members will...
5 811
The Ministry Of Silly Names
Welcome to The Ministry Of Silly Names I decided to create this club for two reasons. A - I thought it would be funny B - Well, I don't need a B...
Villagers Chess Club
This is a club for the Villagers Chess chess variant, where your king is a pawn! if you want to know about about this variant, or want to meet peop...
Clube Xadrez Brasil
Este é o Clube Oficial do Chess.com para o Canal Xadrez Brasil. Aqui, organizaremos torneios, estudos, Lives e será nosso ponto de encontro oficia...
6 216
Team Italia Live
  Team Italia Live  è la squadra italiana di riferimento per le competizioni internazionali LIVE organizzate su chess.com
Royal Military Academy Belgium
A chess club created to host private tournaments and games for the students at the Royal Military Academy.
Scuola Italiana di scacchi
Gruppo in cui si raccolgono le lezioni gratuite: da principiante a terza categoria nazionale. Corso di scacchi e molto altro Le richieste di iscri...
CFT - Coupe de France des Territoires Just Fontaine
La CFT Just Fontaine est une coupe dédiée aux territoires de France et de francophonie Cette compétition est à é...
Chess club for the discord server Blunderbuss 18+ We will be hosting frequent tournaments, track peoples record, and have custom posters made for...
تیم ایران تنها نماینده کشور در لیگ جهانی شطرنج لایو میباشد و کلیه مسابقات در فرمت لایو و روزانه در این تیم زیر نظر کادر فنی برگزار میشودht...
3 280
X Nation
This club is for whoever wants to join and have people to talk to. I don't mind advertising your clubs here and I only wish for people to have a go...
Vote Chess World Cup
This is the group for players who are playing in chess.com's vote chess World Cup tournament. Game links, results and standings will be posted here.
Team Monaco
Team Monaco represent La Principauté de Monaco in World and European Leagues. If you're a team player, then join us and, together, let's f...
Federació Catalana d'Escacs
Aquest és el club oficial de la Federació Catalana d’Escacs (FCE), on podràs participar en diferents torneigs dirigits als nostres afiliats i als n...
1 369
Ajedrez de las Españas
Equipo de ajedrez creado para todos los aficionados al ajedrez hispanoamericanos, filipinos y ecuatoguienanos, para fomentar la fraternidad entre l...
1 728
República Argentina
República Argentina es el equipo que representa a Argentina en la World League de chess.com. Nos concentramos exclusivamente en esta compete...
Steinitz Mongolian Chess Academy
2024-2025 оны Хичээлийн жил тэмцээн арвин зохиож, хүүхдүүдийн ур чадвар, туршлагыг хурдан богино хугацаанд нөхөх төлөвлөгөөтэй байгааг дуулгахад та...